The Truth Behind Weight Loss Supplements: Facts vs. Myths

 Hello friends, according to the recently released Lancet Global Health Report, around 50% of Indians in the country are physically unfit. The World Health Organization says that every person should do at least 2.5 to 3 hours of moderate exercise per week, which is not being done by half the population in our country. India ranks as the 12th worst country out of the 195 countries in this regard. Because of this, millions of people in the country gain unhealthy weight, leading many to seek shortcuts for weight loss. Some say they drink green tea every day, some take apple cider vinegar, and others chase after weight loss supplements. In today's article, let's uncover the truth behind these methods.

Health is wealth

The Junk Food Industry

Junk food, characterized by high levels of sugar, salt, or fat, is harmful to our health. The global market size of the junk food industry was $862 billion in 2020, according to Fortune Business Insights. By 2023, it was $772 billion. This massive industry has contributed significantly to the global obesity pandemic. This phenomenon is driven by chronic capitalism, where the industry profits from creating health problems and then selling solutions for those problems.

The Weight Loss Industry

The weight loss and management industry is booming, with a market size of $224 billion in 2021, growing to $260 billion in 2022. This industry is divided into three categories: diet (supplements, food), fitness equipment and surgical equipment, and services (fitness centers, gyms, online weight loss programs). While it sounds beneficial, a large portion of this industry comprises products that claim to offer magical weight loss solutions.

Magical Weight Loss Products

Many weight loss products claim they can reduce weight without the need for exercise. These products come in various forms, such as syrups, pills, capsules, tummy teas, apple cider vinegar, and herbal nutritious shakes. They often advertise that they are "clinically proven" or "backed by science." Some claim to increase the leptin hormone, which signals the brain to reduce food intake, while others claim to improve metabolism, gut health, and fat burning.

The Reality of Weight Loss Supplements

Leptin Supplements

Leptin supplements are marketed as a solution to reduce hunger and promote weight loss by signaling the brain that the body has enough fat stores. However, obese individuals already have high levels of leptin, leading to leptin resistance where the brain does not respond to leptin signals. Thus, leptin supplements are ineffective for these individuals.

Fat Trappers (Fat Binders)

Fat binders contain a chemical called Kytosan, derived from the powdered shells of shrimp, crabs, and shellfish. Kytosan binds to fat molecules, preventing their digestion and leading them to be excreted. However, this also prevents the absorption of fat-soluble nutrients like vitamins A, D, E, and K, and the overall impact on weight loss is minimal.

Fat Burners

Fat burners often rely on caffeine, which stimulates the nervous system and can increase the resting metabolic rate (RMR). Green coffee beans contain chlorogenic acid with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. However, the weight loss effects of caffeine are modest, and relying solely on these supplements is not effective.

The Importance of a Balanced Approach

While substances like caffeine in black coffee, green tea, or green coffee beans can aid in weight loss, they should only supplement a balanced diet and regular exercise. Studies show that caffeine can enhance performance in cardio and strength training but should be consumed in moderation to avoid negative effects like anxiety, insomnia, and digestive problems. Cycling caffeine intake, such as drinking coffee for two weeks and then abstaining for two weeks, can help manage tolerance.

Tips to maintain your body weight  

There is nothing in this world to make change your fat by walking 5km daily or if possible run daily. if your weight is too much high, then you have to walk twice in day i.e. morning and evening two hours daily, this is the best supplement or medicine to lose your weight within a month. if want to leave life tension free then you should practice these along with some stretch workout one hour daily. this simple stretch work out is available on you tube that you can follow on daily basis.   


In conclusion, weight loss supplements can offer some benefits, but they are not substitutes for a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise and a balanced diet are crucial for maintaining good health. Rather than chasing after magical weight loss solutions, focus on sustainable habits that promote overall well-being.